Pushed to patch?
BlueRock is the always-on compensating control that buys you time

There's a better way: Real prevention for container and Linux workloads without agents, signatures, or jeopardizing production.

  • Keep your runtime environment safe during the “patch gap” when exploits are in-the-wild but fixes aren’t
  • Stop lateral and vertical container escapes with namespace integrity enforcement that’s independent of the runtime 
  • Eliminate the noise for SOC analysts and incident responders

Effective Runtime Security Remains Unsolved

The cycle of vulnerability discovery and patch roll-out is endless

50% of vulnerabilities are exploited within two days of their announcement, yet only 1/4 of organizations can deploy patches within seven days. This ‘patch gap' is a persistent adversarial advantage.

Aligning SecOps and DevOps Goals

Even slight misalignments between SecOps and DevOps can significantly undermine security and compliance efforts

The Limits of Current Security Tools

Security tools that scan only provide a snapshot assessment, not ongoing protection. Their effectiveness depends upon the operational environment's integrity, and the alerts often delay timely responses.

BlueRock is filling those gaps

Vulnerability-Agnostic Exploit Prevention

BlueRock deploys micro-virtualization technology below the runtime to safeguard system integrity and establish boundaries that minimize the impact of attacks on applications and containers

Invisible, High-Performance Policy Enforcement

BlueRock provides an invisible, high-performance enforcement layer that allows SecOps teams to implement robust security policies seamlessly, without disrupting DevOps processes or system performance.

Decoupled Protection and Enforcement

BlueRock offers always-on, real-time protection independent of shared attack surfaces, ensuring continuous security without the common vulnerabilities.

What Is BlueRock?

BlueRock is an ultra light-weight security layer that decouples protection and policy enforcement from workloads being protected, enabling simpler, more reliable architectural and operational approaches.

Keep your runtime environment safe during the “patch gap” when exploits are in-the-wild but fixes aren’t

Stop lateral and vertical container escapes with namespace integrity enforcement that’s independent of the runtime 

Eliminate the noise for SOC analysts and incident responders


BlueRock's architecture enhances security operations through key features:

Autonomous Layer: Operates independently, providing a robust outside-in security layer.

CVE-Agnostic Prevention: Delivers precise threat prevention regardless of known vulnerabilities.

Unbreakable Isolation: Guarantees robust isolation to completely prevent security breaches.

Trusted Design: Built on a minimal code base for maximum reliability and formal verification.


BlueRock is a groundbreaking security layer that separates protection and policy enforcement from your critical workloads. This approach not only simplifies architecture but also enhances reliability and operational efficiency.

High Performance: Delivers real-time security enforcement without lag.

Simplified Deployment: Integrates seamlessly into your existing runtime stack without code modifications.

Transparent Security: Remains invisible to workloads, ensuring smooth operations.

Reliable Alerts: Provides accurate, actionable alerts without the clutter of false positives.