Don't Just Shift Left, Shift down

Better protection. Less Noise. More time to patch.

Workload security where it belongs: in the infrastructure.

  • Keep your runtime environment safe during the “patch gap” when exploits are in-the-wild but fixes aren’t
  • Stop lateral and vertical container escapes with namespace integrity enforcement that’s independent of the runtime 
  • Eliminate the noise for SOC analysts and incident responders

Your team is getting killed by Alerts and endless Vulnerability patching

Security Agents Fall Short At Runtime Security

Security Agents
Security-Native Infrastructure
Lots of Tuning. 
Lots of Noise.
Slow Response.
Impacts Performance.
No Tuning. 
No Noise.
Block in Real-Time.
No Impact to Performance.

Introducing A new breed of runtime security

Prevents exploitation of unpatched vulnerabilities
Virtual patching buys time to test updates without sacrificing security
Stops malware, ransomware & data exfiltration
Eliminate entire classes of attacker tactics and techniques (TTPs)
Reduces SOC alert noise from false positives
Fewer events with higher fidelity enables faster incident disposition
Contains damage from compromised credentials
Isolate containers and hosts from each other to stop lateral movement


Sec - the controls are always on

Security teams never have to worry about whether or not controls are active

Dev - no code changes required

Developers don't have to change a single line of code or modify their pipelines

Picks up where existing solutions fall short

The Old Way
Detection & Response

Constant tuning

  • Requires 100’s of specialized rules/policies
  • Multiple dedicated engineers

Significant performance penalty

  • 15% (or more) compute overhead

Noisy events/alerts

  • High volume, low fidelity
  • Complex correlation and anomaly detection
  • Large # of false positives

Limited host/OS protection

The New Way
Real-time Prevention

No tuning

  • 10’s of general purpose policies
  • Set-and-forget

High performance

  • Less than 2% compute overhead

Precise events/alerts

  • Low volume, high fidelity
  • Sees (and stops) attacker “primitives”
  • Virtually no false positives

Independent host/OS security layer

  • Virtually impossible to evade
  • No new/shared attack surface